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This web site is exclusively based on volunteers. Any commercial use of the results of a research done by a volunteer acting for Francegenweb is forbidden. To respect the conditions of the departmental archives 88, you undertake to only have a private and personal use of the obtained records.

Your Surname *
Your (christian) name *
Your email *
Thank you for correctly configuring your anti-spam software for the email entraide-88@francegenweb.org.
If we can't join you, your demands will be rejected.
Your address : city and zip code *
(BEL for Belgium. Number of department for France, HF for the rest of the world) These data will remain confidential
Required department *
Required City * (service or land)
Exact date of the act (if you know it)
Figures type dd-mm-yyyy (or dd-mmmm-yy for the revolution period)
Minimum year :
A margin of 10 years is accepted for the civil status registers and of 3 years for the church books having no index
Maximum year :
No demand will be accepted after 1923 in this "department"

Type of act wanted : *
Surname *
(For marriage or any other acts : give the husband's or the first person's)
Ex: SURNAME (in capitals)
(Christian) Name *
(For marriage or any other acts, give the husband's or the first person's)
Ex : Name (the first letter in capital)
SURNAME (the spouse's or the second person's)
Ex : SURNAME (write in capitals)
(Christian) Name (the spouse's or the second person's)
Ex : Name (first letter in capital)
Desired support :

A stamped envelope with your address will be asked . A refund with stamps for each photocopy can be asked either.
(Stamp value : 0,65 Euros ).
Additional precisions : Don't hesitate to supply the maximum of information, which will help the volunteer during his search: surname of the parents, the husband's, children's birth, age on the act. Your demand will be treated more quickly.

Reread your demand before clicking here !
(You can also abandon your demand)
Consult all our ressources for the 88 department

Be careful ! Fileds marked with a star are compulsory !

Be careful !
With the number of demands, those which will not be in accordance, will be systematically rejected,
in particular :

  • The undated demands or having a date not taken care by this department,
  • A too big gap between the dates (1 to 10 years according to the size of the municipality),
  • Demands without a precise municipality, or several municipalities for the same demand,
  • Only one spouse for marriage,
  • Several patronymics on the same demand,
  • Demands directly sent to the volunteer,
  • Demands concerning the acts of less than 75 years (law obliges).
  • Demands which will have a commercial use of the transmitted pictures.
:: To avoid abuses, each demand will be associated with an IP address :: Good searches !
Franck, Fred et Chrisarso, Sandy - FGW 25-02-2015 © 2004-2025.
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