This web site is exclusively based on volunteers. Any commercial use of the results of a research done by a volunteer acting for Francegenweb is forbidden.
To respect the conditions of the departmental archives 88, you undertake to only have a private and personal use of the obtained records.
all our ressources for the 88 departmentBe careful ! Fileds marked
with a star are compulsory !
Be careful !
With the number of demands, those which will not be in accordance, will be systematically rejected,
in particular :
- The undated demands or having a date not taken care by this department,
- A too big gap between the dates (1 to 10 years according to the size of the municipality),
- Demands without a precise municipality, or several municipalities for the same demand,
- Only one spouse for marriage,
- Several patronymics on the same demand,
- Demands directly sent to the volunteer,
- Demands concerning the acts of less than 75 years (law obliges).
- Demands which will have a commercial use of the transmitted pictures.
:: To avoid abuses, each demand will be associated with an IP address :: Good searches !